Week 2: WWII Communications & Special Collections Letters


V-mail from the National WWII Museum
  • 3 : three interesting/strange/confusing/surprising points
    • The officers that read over the letters sent from and to soldiers in the war censored any information that they thought weren’t needed in the letters.
    • Many soldiers kept their letters sweet and decided not put any gruesome information in their letters to protect their families from worrying.
    • These letters were a form of comfort for families taking place in the war.
  • 2 : formulate two questions from the readings
    • How did the soldiers who had no one to send letters to feel about this new and easy way of sending messages? Did it make taking place in the war easier or harder for them?
    • Why did the United States decide to send images of injured soldiers to their families, but not include everything that the soldiers wanted to include in their letters? Where is the line of whats appropriate and whats not?
  • 1 : question
    • My “AHA” moment was that the US had officers censor the letters to prevent any secret information from being shared with potential enemies.


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